Friday, November 28, 2014

DIY Christmas Holiday Wreath with a Picture Frame

Just wanted to share this project that was inspired by a post I saw on Pinterest. #Nailedit, #PinterestFail, or #Success? You decide.

I started out with a trip to Big Lots last weekend and purchased the following:
-11"x14" wooden picture frame $12 clearance
-Jingle Bell Door Hanger $8
-Burlap bow $3

Already in my craft stash:
-Martha Stewart High Gloss acrylic craft paint in HabaƱero
-hot glue gun
-3M hook to hang

This project also cost me a trip to the ER for 6 stitches in my thumb because I went about removing the glass in the worst way possible. ***Please learn from me on what not to do!***

Let me also note that I am not liable for any injuries that occur as a result of this project. Be super careful if you're accident prone like me!

The glass was glued to the frame (probably because cheaply made), but I was able to separate the glue from the glass using a knife and then attempted to push the glass out with my thumbs. 

DON'T do that. The glass broke and my thumb took the blow. Use a hammer instead and break the glass in a controlled manner.

DO take your frame outside with a couple of old towels, a trash bag, and a hammer.

DO place the towel on the ground, followed by the trash bag and then the frame sitting on top of the opening of the trash bag. When you break it, it will be in the bag for easy cleanup. 

DO cover the frame with the other towel, and gently break the glass through the towel with the hammer. 

DO double bag the broken glass and take it out to the trash immediately.

DO insist upon an XRAY at the ER if you happen to get cut by glass to make sure no foreign bodies remain in your hand. once the glass was out of the frame, I painted 2 coats of the acrylic paint on the frame. TIP: I didn't attempt to do a "perfect" job with the painting so that it would look a touch distressed. I would have lightly sanded edges to give it more of a Shabby Chic look, but I'm a single mom and fortunate enough to have completed this project as it is before Christmas 2032 when she turns 18! 

Once the paint has dried, hot glue the door hanger to the front (or back) depending on how you like it, attach the bow and hang using a 3M hook (or other hanging system that works for you)!

Here it is sans filters:

My thumb is healing nicely now. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your holiday crafting!